Background Checks

Here’s what our clients used to complain about:

“After months of sifting through applications and resumes, calling prospective employees, and performing interviews, I thought I’d finally found the perfect candidate for my business. I hired her and within a month she stole over $3,000 and disappeared.”

“I found myself ready to hire a person who looked good and interviewed great, I ordered a county and state criminal check and he passed,so I hired him,  later there was a problem, the employee had a run in with the law and I had TalentValue run a more comprehensive check and found the person had a criminal history under an alias name in another state, had I known I would not have hired hem”

“oh my God, one of my field superintendents in Alabama hired a guy on the spot without a background check, later when we discovered the situation we ran a check and the person was on the ten most wanted FBI list in California. We confirmed this was the same person with a fake identity and the FBI arrested him the next day when he showed up for the job.

“I did not check if a person I was hiring was on the Sex Offender Registry, a friend of mine told me, I had Veriproved run a criminal check ans, sure enough, he was on the 

Sex Offender List.  Had he caused a problem iI would have been a bunch of trouble”

Here’s the advice we give our clients:

The financial risk of hiring a person who has a history of criminal activity; or a sex offender; or on a global watch list; or a habitual drug abuser is too expensive not to protect your assets with a background check.

However, any time you use an applicant’s or employee’s background information to make an employment decision, regardless of how you get the information, you must comply with federal laws that protect applicants and employees from discrimination. That includes discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, or religion; disability; genetic information (including family medical history); and age (40 or older). These laws are enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

In addition, when you run background checks, you must comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforces the FCRA.

It’s also a good idea to review the laws of your state and municipality regarding background reports or information because some states and municipalities regulate the use of that information for employment purposes.


Why use Veriproved Screening?

  • Background checks can get very complicated and put you in legal jeopardy if you don’t do every step correctly.
  • That is why you should use Veriproved Background Checking Services. We are a reputable consumer reporting agency  (CRA) able to perform background checks on your behalf.
  • We are experts in the field and can handle the time-consuming administrative aspects of screening applicants.
  • Our reports come to you very quickly; sometimes they are available almost instantaneously.
  • We will also be able to guarantee accuracy in the reports we provide, as we have certain legal obligations as a consumer reporting agency that we must meet as well.
  • We will advise you on how to handle the information you receive with the candidates and new hires.
  • With over $1,000,000 Data Breach insurance and a bank-level security portal, our Veriproved Screening Services will keep your background check compliant.
  • Because of our Veriproved technology, all applicants E-sign the required background compliance forms. This ensures the accuracy of the information being submitted and protects you legally.

The most common areas investigated by employers with the aid of background check reports are:

Criminal Records – These are typically found in public criminal record databases, includes information on felonies and misdemeanors committed by the applicant.

Credit History – This is particularly valuable to employers hiring for positions that require financial responsibility and discipline.

Employment History – This task includes calling previous employers to verify that facts like job titles and length of employment are accurate.

References – Both professional and personal, should be called to help gauge an applicant’s character and reliability.

Educational Achievements – Includes verifying the accuracy of degrees, professional licenses, and other educational information provided by the applicant.

Driving Records – These should be mandatory for employers hiring for a position that requires a fair amount of driving.

Drug Screening- with the prevalence of drug abuse especially the Opioid Crisis it is recommended you have all your employees take a drug screen. The advice we give is to make a conditional job offer with the stipulation they pass your drug screen check.

What background checks you choose will depend on the requirements of the job and your need to confirm each person’s background.

Please consult with your TalentValue Advisor and allow us to help you make the correct decisions for your organization.